Wall Planter Bag Horizontal 6×3 (18 Pouch)

The wall planter bag horizontal 6×3 (18 pockets) by Eco Pack is the perfect solution for gardening in limited spaces. With a horizontal design and 18 pockets, this wall planter allows you to create a beautiful, organized, and easy-to-maintain vertical garden.

Material: HDPE
Number of pockets: 6 x 3 (18 pockets)
Size: 125×72 cm

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Product Description

The wall planter bag horizontal 6×3 (18 pockets) by Eco Pack offers an innovative solution for vertical gardening. With 18 pockets that can be mounted on the wall, Eco Pack Wall Planter is perfect for growing a variety of ornamental plants, vegetables, or herbs in limited spaces. Use lightweight growing media like cocopeat or coir to keep the wall clean and free from dirt. To create a beautiful vertical garden, select slow- or medium-growing plants, and avoid climbing plants that could make the appearance messy. This wall planter also makes plant care easier with a drip irrigation system or mist sprayer, along with regular fertilization every 1-2 weeks. Turn this wall planter into a green element that not only enhances your space but also delivers productive results.

Minimum purchase: 1 pack
Quantity per pack: 20 pcs
Weight per piece: 530 gr
Weight per pack: 11 kg

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Eco Pack Planter Bag
Our products:
Planter Bag – Hedge Bag – Compost Bag – UV Plastic – Wall Planter Bag – Ground Cover – Shopping Bag

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