Planter Bag Supplier

Eco Pack Planter Bag - No.1 Quality in Indonesia

EcoPack Planter Bag – Manufacturer and Supplier. Planter bags are the ideal solution for growing your plants. Makes gardening and plant care easier and more efficient. Made from high quality HDPE materials and specially designed to support optimal plant growth.

Planter Bag Indonesia - Eco Pack Planter bag

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An innovative and eco-friendly solution for those who want to grow the modern way. Designed with space-saving packaging, exceptional strength and durability to ensure your plants thrive with optimal support.

Planter Bag Eco Pack No.1 Quality in Indonesia

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  1. Choose plants that are easy to fruit
    If you are just starting to grow tabulampot, choose fruit plants that are easy to fruit in tabulampot, such as oranges, sapodillas, mangos, guavas, grapes, and guavas.
  2. Prepare quality seedlings
    The success rate of a tabulampot is largely determined by the seeds you choose. If you are a beginner, our recommendation is to choose vegetative seedlings (propagation from grafts, grafting or grafting), this is because vegetative seedlings have the same characteristics as their parents and if from seeds it will take a long time to bear fruit.
  3. Prepare a planter bag
    Prepare a planter that fits your plants, use a tested and quality one like the Eco Pack planter bag. Or if you are looking for a long term solution, you can use a slightly larger planter bag.
  4. Composition of planting media
    There are many variations in the composition of planting media, but in general the composition for tabulampot planting media uses soil, compost and aram husk in a 1:1:1 ratio, or you can use ready-made organic planting media.
  5. Place seedlings in the growing medium
    After the planting media is ready, place it in the planter, then make a hole in the center for the seedling space, place the seedling in the planting hole, and set the seedling upright, then cover it with planting media around it.
  6. Watering and placement
    Pot placement should not be haphazard, so where should the newly planted pot be placed after watering? Place it in the shade for a few days and then move it to a sunny spot when it is fresh.


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Jalan Solo - Sragen Km 21.2, Krikilan, Masaran, Sragen, Jawa Tengah 57282

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Solo - Sragen Km 21.2, Krikilan, Masaran, Sragen, Central Java Indonesia 57282

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